7 habits that give you unbeatable confidence





Daily habits that can help you raise your self-esteem are crucial for making your personality win in society. It’s routine work that shows the matter of positivity in life. It also increases the human spirit and people can face challenges easily in the community.


So, the following is the list of habits, when adopt can give you self-confidence.




It will bring WOOOOO factor in your life…


·         Keeping optimistic manners

Self-confidence is vital for anyone to feel self-esteem, purpose in life, and optimism. Many persons often suffer from anxiety and are unable to deal with negative situations. Self-confidence refers to the belief and respect for oneself and one’s abilities. It is the most essential factor in life. Without self-confidence, there is no way to deal with problems. Self-confidence affects how individuals view themselves and their surroundings. For example, low self-esteem can lead to feelings of insignificance. Similarly, a person who views himself positively will do anything to prove right. When these two concepts are combined, a situation where self-confidence replaces low self-esteem becomes possible.


·         Accepting responsibility

Accepting accountability involves letting go of blaming yourself and taking responsibility for the actions or behaviors of another person or group of people. Daily habits that can help you raise your self-esteem can support humans to keep a balance in rights and duties or responsibilities. People usually avoid situations where they take part in a problem. There are several reasons why people lack self-awareness, particularly on matters of their behavior.

First, they underestimate their responsibilities in society. Second, they believe that solving problems in other people’s hands is their fault. Third, they believe that other people can solve problems for them. Fourth, they have unrealistic expectations which may create stress and anxiety. Fifth, they fail to recognize responsibility and instead blame others.


·         Learning or education

Learning or education is an essential and good habit because it helps us grow and become better individuals. People usually need to be taught and trained so that they can learn as much as possible from experience and interaction with other people. During childhood, children can gain skills through physical interaction with parents, teachers, siblings, peers, and society.

Their curiosity and thirst to explore make them willing to learn everything from simple facts to complex theories. As adults enter formal learning and education, they start gaining knowledge. Formal education involves acquiring a college degree, going to school to pursue further studies, joining the labor market, participating in community activities, taking part in public debates, and so on.

 Informal learning may involve gathering information through reading books, watching movies, listening to music, observing people’s lifestyles, and so on. While formal learning involves attending classes, informal learning usually occurs on one’s own. Both methods help individuals develop their skills and acquire new ones.

·         Optimistic approach to life

Self-esteem may occur due to environmental factors like the presence of joyful and memorable conditions in life. In addition, family history and past experiences such as success can affect a person’s self-esteem. Positive events and occurrences also contribute a lot to building self-esteem. Other factors include happiness, encouragement, pleasure, success, social support, and even appraisal among others. Some coping mechanisms which help o improve self-esteem include getting used to criticism, avoiding relationships with people who criticize, and trying to avoid stress.


·         Empathy

Empathy entails understanding someone’s feelings and emotions while respecting their wishes as well as dignity and rights. It is a good habit and not just limited to caring for another person’s needs but also includes seeing a situation from the perspective of a stranger. Empathy is an emotional intelligence skill. Individuals suffering from low levels of empathy have difficulty empathizing with other people. Empathy, therefore, helps an individual understand their fellow human beings and make decisions based on the preferences of others.

 It helps people recognize that everyone is unique, and thus, their preferences are likely to differ. Empathy enables people to listen to others and help in resolving issues that arise from differences. It helps people to sympathize with others, even when people seem alien to them.

·         Appreciative Inquiry

Appreciation is an attitude towards something that brings happiness. Appreciation can take different forms which include positive affirmation, genuine appreciation of something, paying attention to what people say, appreciating the efforts made by other people, and showing appreciation and gratitude to others. Generally, it entails recognizing something special about someone. What someone does is appreciated. Different cultures perceive appreciation differently.

Western culture is known to value receiving something tangible, whether tangible or intangible. People regard getting things through expensive means, such as buying a house, as a sign of wealth. Asians normally prefer receiving something intangible. Things like flowers and gifts bring great joy. However, Western culture tends to appreciate receiving anything tangible, regardless of price or quantity. One advantage of appreciating things is that people get something concrete or tangible to show love, admiration, gratitude, or appreciation. Furthermore, an appreciation culture encourages sharing and collaboration.


·         Giving praise and recognizing contributions

Giving praise and recognizing contributions is crucial in motivating employees. Praised employees always feel valued. Recognition of achievements makes employees see themselves as useful and valuable. Employees look forward to working harder. Rewards may either be monetary or non–monetary. Monetary rewards may include bonuses, certificates of appreciation, time off, paid vacations, money given to new employees, etc. Non-monetary rewards may include allowing employees to participate in leadership meetings, allowing employees to select their projects, and so on.



Allom, V., Mullan, B., Smith, E., Hay, P., & Raman, J. (2018). Breaking bad habits by improving executive function in individuals with obesity. BMC Public Health18(1), 1-8.
